Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Homeschool Memoirs: #7 Snack Foods

This week's theme is Snack Foods:

For the kidlets:
  • applesauce cups
  • yogurt
  • bananas, tangerines, grapes, apples
  • pretzels
  • popcorn
  • graham crackers
  • dry cereal
  • string cheese
  • raisins
  • Fig Newmans (yummy)
  • and, yes, cookies and brownies (hey, I'm not perfect)
For me:
  • many of the same things as the kidlets
  • cookies - Kashi is a recent favorite, but my very favorite is a nice, warm homemade double chocolate chip cookie. I love, love, love cookies.
  • Starbucks or other similarly sweet, creamy coffee concoction. Yes, I count it as a snack since I have them so rarely.
By the way, I'm not a huge fan of microwave popcorn. I actually get out a big pot, some butter, and the kernels - and occasionally, some sort of special seasoning - and I pop it on the stove top. Instead of dumping a lot of salt on the finished product, I put a little bit of salt and add some freshly cracked pepper. A GREAT addition to our Friday Family Movie Nights.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

In answer to your question, i did find out, but I would rather email you the real lingo= than post it here! My favorite snack food is Sno-Balls! Yummy!